The Granary Quilt Shop
1326 & 1328 S Mary Ave.Sunnyvale, CA 94087(408) 735-9830
1326 & 1328 S Mary Ave.Sunnyvale, CA 94087(408) 735-9830

Visit shops and collect patterns: June 21- September 4, 2018
Find out more about The Row by Row Experience at, https://shops.rowbyrowexperience.com/ .
Find a list of participating shops in California and pictures of their rows at, https://rowbyrowexperience.com/usa-ca/ .
The Granary's row, The Beat Goes On, is shown below. This year, we chose the new 18" x 18" row format for our row. Patterns are $4.00. We are also offering laser cut kits with yellow background and 33 precision cut fusible pieces (border fabric not included) for $17.95. We ship anywhere in the US and Canada. Call the shop at (408) 735-9830 to get yours today!

While you're in the shop, don't forget to pick up our collectable 2018 license plate, Music to Quilt By. License plates are $4.50.

We also have 2015, 2016, and 2017 Granary row patterns available for purchase. A limited number of kits for past year's are also available for purchase.
Prizes: The first person to bring completed (meaning pieced, quilted, bound, and labeled) Row by Row Experience quilt into The Granary between June 21 and October 31, 2018 wins 25 fat quarters. The quilt must include 8 regular Row by Row rows, each from a different shop. You may include additional rows or The 9th Row or RXR Junior designs, but they do not count toward your 8 rows required to win the prize. If your quilt includes our Granary row, you will also receive a $25 gift certificate. If you allow us to display your quilt for 6 weeks, we will award an additional $25 gift certificate!