The Granary Quilt Shop
1326 & 1328 S Mary Ave.Sunnyvale, CA 94087(408) 735-9830
1326 & 1328 S Mary Ave.Sunnyvale, CA 94087(408) 735-9830
Longarm Quilting Services - Quilt Top Check-in
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have implemented contact-free quilt top check-in for longarm quilting. Please follow the steps below to fill out the Longarm Quilting Services Order Form, select your quilting design, and select your thread. Once you have completed your work order, you may drop off your quilt at the shop during Curbside Pickup hours. Due to limited staffing right now, we cannot accept quilts during Shopping Appointment hours.
So that we can offer services to as many people as possible, we ask that for now, you drop off no more than two quilts at a time for longarm quilting.
If you'd like, you can purchase extra wide backing for your quilt at our online store (under the Products page). Just make a note on your work order that you've place the order and paid for the backing online. We'll cut it and put it with your dropped off quilt.
Contact-free Quilt Top Check-in Steps:
1) Download and print the Longarm Quilting Services Order Form by clicking here. Fill out the form.
- All measurements should be rounded to the nearest whole inch. Your backing must be 8" larger in length and width than your quilt top.
- Click here to see the Longarm Quilting Designs available; please write the exact name of the pattern on the form.
- For the quilt top, you may choose a variegated King Tut thread color here, or choose a solid Omni thread color here.
- Please note that we will choose a thread color that coordinates with the top thread color for the back.
- Don't forget to indicate your batting choice. Batting will be cut 8" larger in length and width than your quilt top.
- You don't have to fill in the Estimated Cost section, but please check anything that pertains to you in the Additional Charges box.
- Don't forget to sign the form.
2) Make sure your quilt top and backing are pressed and neatly folded.
3) Drop your quilt top, backing, and form off at the shop only during curbside pickup hours. Please wear a mask as others may be picking up orders at the same time.
- When you arrive at the shop, park directly in front of the shop if you can.
- Please put your backing, quilt top, and work order in one of the paper bags provided. Place the bag in the labelled bin next to the table outside the door.
- Return to your car and call the shop. A Granary employee will immediately retrieve your bag from the bin.
- Please do not drive away until you have seen an employee retrieve your bag.